
Taking Down the Dragon – Krakonoš and Rübezahl – resurrected creatures and stories

Event date: 1.10.2022

Venue: Trutnov, UFFO – 1:00pm, square – 2:00pm

The traditional Taking Down the Dragon festival, and the Krakonoš and Rübezahl festival – resurrected creatures and stories. You’ll encounter Rübezahl and Krakonoš at the UFFO cultural centre’s main stage. The programme will take you to various places in Trutnov, where you can encounter mythical creatures, historical figures and their stories. Visit Hell, dance with the fairies, Trautenberk will invite you to the inn, you’ll meet robbers and thieves, and you might bear witness to an “operation” in the field hospital. Open pubs will sound out with many genres of music, and there’ll be plenty of fun to be had.

Further information: www.ictrutnov.cz, www.rybrcoul.com


Stowarzyszenie Gmin Dorzecza Górnej Odry Moravian-Silesian Tourism, s.r.o. Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju i Współpracy Regionalnej Olza Opolska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna Střední Morava – Sdružení cestovního ruchu Královéhradecký kraj Destinační společnost Východní Čechy Stowarzyszenie Region Beskidy Regionální rada rozvoje a spolupráce se sídlem v Třinci, z.s. Jeseníky – Sdružení cestovního ruchu Dolnośląska Organizacja Turystyczna
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