Lázně Bělohrad, with over 125 years of tradition, is situated in a quiet town with the same name.
Patients usually go to the resort to treat diseases of their muscular-skeletal system. The most common diseases include Rheumatic diseases, back pains, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, post-traumatic conditions and after orthopaedic procedures, radicular syndromes in spine diseases, and flaccid paralysis. The therapy is recommended also as a treatment for disfiguring scars after injuries and burns. Apart from traditional therapeutic stays, the resort offers also convalescent stays and special stays.
The rehabilitation clinic in the resort deals with treating the muscular-skeletal system. Specialists with many years of experience claim that high-quality spa treatment take away the ailments for a couple of months. The basis is individual care, provided by experienced physicians and physiotherapists.